GreHack'15 is over. Thanks everyone, that was awesome! See you next year.


November 20th, 2015 Grenoble, FRANCE


General information

GreHack 2015 will propose four workshops/tutorials during the CTF. They will start between 8:00pm and 10:00pm and last about one hour, depending on the workshop. Conference tickets and CTF-only tickets both give access to workshops.

Registration to workhops is now open. Register at, and please give the following details: You must have already purchased a GreHack ticket to register to a workshop.

Please note that: List of workshops:



This Miasm workshop will focus on a real world shellcode study through three main steps:



Desclaux Fabrice and Mougey Camille are the main Miasm developers. They both work as infosec engineer at CEA/DAM, mainly working on reverse engineering topics. Desclaux Fabrice previous talks include a presentation on reverse engineering Skype at BlackHat EU 2006 and another one on Miasm at SSTIC 2013 and 2015. Mougey Camille previous talks include a presentation on execution trace for disobfuscation at SSTIC 2014 and another one on DRM analysis at ReCON 2014.

Twitter: @commial

IVRE - Large Scale Network Recon


This workshop covers the tools used for network recon (Nmap, Zmap, Masscan) and the challenges to address to (efficiently) run country-, AS- or Internet-wide scans, depending on the scan objectives. While it focuses on the open source network recon framework IVRE, the concepts discussed can be applied using other tools.




IT security research engineer at CEA/DAM, pentester, intrusion hunter, Unix & network enthusiast.

IRMA - an Incident Response & Malware Analysis plateform


In this workshop, we will briefly introduce you to IRMA concepts and goals, then you will install and customize it to build your own Malware Analysis plateform. We will:


If you like adventures ...


Guillaume Dedrie is a software developer at Quarkslab, specialized in full-stack development. He likes to automate everything and try to evangelize firms around the world with the emerging DevOps culture. If you’re looking for him, you’ll probably find him in a Meetup in Paris.

Twitter: @guillaumededrie

Drone - and they shall fall from the sky


We will briefly introduce you to the basics of drone system and how they are controled. Then, we will show you how to detect AR-DRONE 2 and how to inject traffic to take over a legitimate user. We will:


Cedric Lauradoux is a junior researcher at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. He is also the undisputed and beloved chair of GreHack 2015. He enjoys working on algorithms and data structures and applying his knowledge to security and privacy problem. He also enjoys bench pressing, lift weight and tackling: it is a major mistake to try to steal his food.