Capture the flag contest
Global information
- It is Jeopardy style by teams.
- There will be prizes to win
- Registration is required.
- We will provide food, drinks and music.
- Challenges are written by Securimag.
Challenges will treat the following topics (non-exhaustive):
- Cryptography
- Reverse-Engineering
- Exploit
- Web
- Forensic
- Hardware
Hardware requirements
Individual hardware requirements: please come with
- a computer,
- a RJ-45 cable to access challenges,
- a brain.
Team hardware requirements: each team needs to bring:
- a L2 switch,
- Power strip(s).
Basic rules
- Competitors have to be physically present.
- Maximum number of participants per team is 8.
- Internet connection will (probably) be provided.
It is strictly prohibited and can be subject to disqualification to:
- attack machines other than designated ones,
- share flags or solutions between teams,
- DoS GreHack CTF infrastructure.
You can prepare yourself by giving a look to previous GreHack challenges: