Call For Paper
- About GreHack
- Topics/Field
- Format for Submitted Papers
- Format for Workshop Proposals
- Important dates
- Misc/other information
- Program committee
About GreHack
GreHack is an international security conference which takes place in Grenoble, France. It aims to bring together academia, industrials, governmental agencies, students and hackers to discuss new advances in computer and information security research. This year will be the eighth edition aka '8-bit edition'. As always, conferences and workshops by day and CTF by night are to be expected.
Keywords: computer security, reverse, hardware, crypto, exploit, network, food, drinks, goodies, rumps, Chartreuse liquor, and a lot more.
GreHack is an international security conference, so any work related to security will be relevant and considered by the Program Committee. We encourage original and groundbreaking submissions, demonstrations, release of new open source/non-commercial tools, interaction with the audience, and any other fun stuff. The authors will specify explicitly which category of submission their proposal belongs to : paper or workshop. The papers and workshops will be evaluated according to the following criteria (non-exclusively) : relevance, novelty, technical or scientific content, completeness, overall recommendation, fun ...
Format for Submitted Papers
GreHack is an international security conference, so the only requirement regarding format is the use of English language. Apart from that, we do accept any format and companion materials (classical academic paper, short paper, slides, video, demo with comments, state of the art, relevant work ...) you may judge appropriate to present your submission and convince the PC members that your work deserves to be presented at GreHack 2020. Every submissions must include at least 3 key takeaways, and we strongly recommend a submission of minimum 2000 characters. If your work is selected for presentation, the duration will be either of 30 minutes (long) or 15 minutes (short), both including questions, depending on your preference and PC decision.
Format for Workshop Proposals
Like papers, workshops may address any of the topic mentioned above and should be delivered in English. Proposers should provide information on the title, duration, motivation and background, structure, prerequisite and associated references. Additional information on similar or previous workshop can also be provided, if applicable. Workshops duration should not exceed 3 hours. Note: the workshop should not be subject to promote products or commercial services.
Important dates
Submission deadline | July 10th, 2020 |
Author notification | September 12th, 2020 |
Program publication | September 25th, 2020 |
Publication Ready Version | November 1st, 2020 |
Conference | November 20th, 2020 |
Misc/other information
- Papers can be submitted here:
- Workshops can be submitted by sending an email to
- Authors and affiliations must be mentioned, thus GreHack cannot accept anonymized submissions.
- Submissions accepted by the Program Committee will be presented at GreHack 2020.
- For accepted works, at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the work. One author's full registration fees will be covered by the conference.
- For past editions, no kind of remote presentation was possible, and we expected authors to attend GreHack 2020. This policy might be revisited in the light of the covid19 crisis. In any case, make sure you will be available to present your work before submitting.
- Student and unemployed speakers can apply for a financial assistance. If your employer does not pay for your accommodation, you may also apply. In both cases, mention it in the submission or we will not be able to provide any assistance.
- Further questions on the submission process may be sent to the organization chair at
Program Committee
- (chair) Caroline Leman (ANSSI)
- (chair) Florent Autréau (Mataru)
- Andréa Hauser (SCIP AG)
- Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
- Eireann Leverett (Cyber Innovation @ Airbus)
- Fabrice Desclaux (CEA/DAM)
- Jonathan Borgeaud (Kudelski Security)
- Jonathan Salwan (QuarksLab)
- Irina Nicolae (Bosch Center for AI)
- Marion Videau (Quarkslab)
- Morgane Celton (ANSSI)
- Nicolas Correia (Synacktiv)
- Nicolas Ruff (Google)
- Pascal Lafourcade (LIMOS, Université Clermont Auvergne)
- Romain Xu-Darme (Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute)
- Ruchna Nigam (Palo Alto Networks)
- Sarah Zennou (Airbus)
- Yaëlle Vinçont (CEA List)